What We Do.


After decades of working in orphan care and anti-human trafficking ministry, evaluating hundreds of non-profits, and engaging with organizational leaders across many cultural sectors, we are acutely aware just how exhausting and fragmenting this work can be and how many landmines one encounters. We also have learned the great need for leaders to engage regularly in soul care, retreats, and personal reflection with safe people in a set-apart times for themselves and their families. Through Becoming retreats, soul-care sessions, and international adventures, we seek to provide these resources for those needing such leader care. In addition, we engage in collaborative partnerships that help people and organizations BECOME for the sake of the common good.

“BECOMING more like Him with ever-increasing glory….” 2 Corinthians 3:19.

How We Do It.


In our experience, we have evaluated hundreds of non-profits and engaged hundreds of leaders across many cultural sectors. We, ourselves have been exhausted and fragmented at times while working in spaces like orphans and vulnerable children. There are just many landmines one can’t see. As a result, we have become a trusted place for leader care and insight. It isn’t always donor dollars that define “resourcing” and the ones who have come for respite or attend/organize a Becoming retreat for discipleship, find a safe harbor for their soul and practical leadership insights.

From there, we usually find an inside track to quality grant-making that helps effect change in certain areas of our culture that occupy evil. Some need financial resources to launch a project as part of their own BECOMING, while others need to be brought together for collaboration’s sake or project-focused partnership. At the very core of our work, by collaborative partnerships, we help people and entities BECOME.